Souriez vous êtes filmé·es

Débat "Souriez" au contre-sommet d’EVIAN

30 mai 2003 14h au VAAG

lundi 26 mai 2003, par souriez

En route pour Evian

FR - Les 1er, 2 et 3 juin 2003, les dirigeants du club des pays les plus riches du monde (G8) vont se réunir à Evian pour parler de leurs problèmes. Cette année, ils ont invité une petite sélection de « bons élèves » pour montrer leur ouverture. Parmi ces invités spéciaux : l’Egypte, l’Algérie, le Nigéria, le Sénégal, le Mexique, l’Arabie Saoudite, la Chine et quelques autres ! du 23 mai au 3 juin sont prévuent de nombreuses manifestations, rencontres et intitiatives en particulier à Annemasse (France), Genève et Lausanne (Suisse).

A 14H Le vendredi 3O mai dns le cadre du village anticapitaliste, autogeré
(VAAG) anti G8 : débat transfontière contre la videosurveillance comme outil
du contrôle social autour de "non à big brother" (Lyon),
"sos-videosurveillance" (Vaux-en-velin) , Souriez,vous êtes filmés et les
autres membres du réseau antivideosurveillance présents.

All is ready at Annemasse for your arrival during the anti-g8 from May 28th to May 3rd. The only thing to wait for is you !Practical Information on the arrival at Annemasse, lodging, supply :


 in tents (or under the stars...) at the Aerodrome at Annemasse, ready to recieve all who wish to come ; bring duvets and tents ; on location : showers, toilets, food and drink, numerous activities, convergence center, assocations’ reservation needed.In the two alternative villages, also at the Aeorodrome : information at and

 Indoor lodging : (gymnasiums for about 1500 places) half of the spots will by reserved for volunteers who will participate in the organisation and the other half for persons with priority (handicapped, elderly, families with children) Contact, reservation : permanence of CHARG, 04 50 37 01 32 or at a house : very few places, information at the permanence

 hotels, bed and breakfasts... good luck !


Center of convergence is at the aerodrome, with all useful information ; info desk at the Annemasse train station.

 Cars, light vehicles : at least 1600 parking spaces at the aerodrome ; surplus parking nearby, especially at the lot of Géant for the concert on May 31st.

 Buses : possibility of parking 900 buses in the industrial zone next to the aerodrome. Otherwise, parking will be on the autoroute. The buses will park until their depart.

 Train : the Annemasse train station will be well served. (The liason will only be cut in between Annemasse and Evian) It is situated just next to the MLK room.It is recommended, in the measure that your situation permits you, to avoid coming in light vehicles. (potential difficulties on Saturday and Sunday).


Food and drink stands, as well as peasant markets, will be set up on the aerodrome : peasant agricultural products, organic and equitable commerce products will be sold.Also stands will be set up in different places in Annemasse, notably around the two forums.

Sales will contribute to the financing of the counter summet. Always, it is recommended that participants coming only on Sunday for the big protest bring a snack, as it is not possible to correctly approximate the number of people who will need to be fed.A project is underway to encourage local merchants to remain open during the counter summet.

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